
My daydreams consist of finding a job in Lancaster that pays over $32k/yr and having enough time to find a good apartment and move there. Sometimes Teri is in them, reformed and responsible. Sometimes Teri has moved on - back to NY.

Oddity, also, has found a new job that pays well. I get an apartment near him and at some point, we decide to share an apartment. (y/o casarnos!)

I have tons of bill to pay off. More than his debts. about oooo 5x more. With a better job here in York, and if Teri cooperates, I may be able to pay the majority off by xmas, leaving only the student loans. If Teri doesn't coooperate, well, I have to leave Aaron's house and pay rent and utilities and THAT will prevent me from paying off any of them.

I can only pray my youngest gets a clue. Then my daydreams can become a reality - though it still will be about a year from now. le sigh.

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