
Now that I got THAT out of the way....

I can't see the day my kids let me live in peace. I just want a place of my own, nice and quiet, where I can retreat to at the end of the day and possibly have a friend or three over. Where I can feel it is my safe haven from the world. Where I can display my own stuff - witchcraft, Wicca, Halloween, Spiders, music, books, silliness - all mine. Where my books can surround me and keep me safe.

Where I can put my clothes and not have them borrowed, or line up my shoes and only my dog messes them up. Where I can store my bags and my stuff. Where I can curl up with my dog to watch a program on the telly or my computer. Or I can curl up with my Oddity and be loveydovey. Where I can cook my way, and smell up the house, and no one complains. Where I can have my own types of foods. Where I could just be me.

"I would like a place I could call my own
have a conversation on the telephone
wake up every day, that would be a start
I would not complain of my wounded heart
I was upset, you see
almost all the time
you used to be a stranger
now you are mine."
Regret, New Order

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