
Warm weather wakes up my libido. And I've already got an overly active one. Physical exercise is another libido riser - so guess how I feel when I am dancing my ass off. The only time I am not in the mood is in the mornings, when I wake up. Of course, this is when men feel the urge.

When I wake up, it's a new day. I want to savor my new day. I want to go over my dreams, or the impressions thereof. I want to enjoy the lingering pleasure of sleep as I move into the waking world. I want to orient myself in the now, to feel myself in that moment of waking. I find I work very hard NOT to resent that someone puts their arm around me, or holds me, or wants to get frisky. After all, I won't say no.

But I don't want sex in the mornings. I want sex in the afternoons, especially the hot hazy lazy days of summer. I want sex before I sleep because it calms me down and keeps me warm in the winter. Weekends are made for sex - except for the mornings, when we awake without the benefit of alarms, a thoroughly hedonistic luxury. A little tickle when we get home from work - that's dreamy, fantastic.

I want sex when I'm listening to my music - or to music playing elsewhere that taps into my soul. I want sex when I go hiking, or walking, or shopping.... well, not at THAT moment, but when we get home.

But I can't seem to shake his need for morning sex, and I can't seem to get him to enjoy afternoon delights. Ah well.

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