

I do not like the young lady who shares a connection with you to hang out with you. I do not trust her motives or her objectives.

I do not like that she hangs on you. I do not like her there when I'm reaching for you. This may sound possessive and extremely paranoid. I simply do not trust that you will remain with me with such a person trying to catch your attention. This may be insecurity, this may be jealousy. Whatever it is, please respect my wishes. I have been too many times in the situation of seeing a 'friend' become a 'lover' and myself being dumped for said 'lover' because of prior connections or feelings.

I am working on past experience, and while past experience does not qualify as proof in present circumstances, I am still leery of this 'connection' you share with her. I do not want to be dumped, let go or broken up with because you find her company more enjoyable. Just imagine what it will do to my heart and my soul, if you cannot just trust my feelings.

I just found you. I fear trust, Oddity. I do not want to limit you, and I feel that you are making every effort to convince me that you love me and that I am yours. I AM yours, heart mind body and soul. Do not forsake me.

Your Grrl, Your Woman, Your Lady, Your love.

Edit: I read my prior posts about you and can't understand why this sickening fear is gripping me. You do so much to show me you love me. All I can say is that I see a pattern I've seen before and I feel frightened.

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